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Develop paid add-ons

Earn money by developing paid add-ons for Clockify and selling them to millions of our users.

You can now create and monetize your add-ons directly through the Marketplace. By addressing our users' needs, you can transform your innovative ideas and skills into income by offering premium add-ons to our growing user base.

What is the Marketplace?

The Marketplace is a platform where third-party developers can offer custom solutions to millions of Clockify users.

Developers can create add-ons that solve specific issues users face, such as integrating with other software, creating custom dashboards, adding new functionality, or extending existing features. Once developed, these add-ons can be listed on the Marketplace, either for free or for a price. Users can then browse and install these add-ons directly into their Clockify workspace.

To get started, developers need to create a free developer account. Then, using Clockify's API and adhering to our design guidelines, they can develop their add-ons and submit them via the Developer's Portal.

What is an add-on?

An add-on is a mini-app that you can install in Clockify to provide custom functionality.

For example, if you need a specific type of report that isn't available in Clockify, you can create an add-on that introduces a new tab where you can view data in a different format. Alternatively, you can create an integration with another tool that allows you to transfer time entries from Clockify to that tool with just a few clicks.

You can develop add-ons and make them appear in several places:

  • Tab on some other page (e.g. a tab in workspace settings, or a tab when you open some project where you can provide more functionality regarding that project)
  • A floating button that shows a modal on click (so they can use your feature no matter where the user is and without them having to abandon their work)
  • Sidebar navigation (which leads to a whole new in-app page that you can control)

How paid add-ons work

  1. Developer creates an add-on.
  2. Developer lists the add-on on the Marketplace.
  3. Developer chooses whether the add-on is free or has a fixed monthly fee (recurring subscription).
  4. reviews the submission, and once approved, the developer can make the add-on public.
  5. Users see the add-on on the Marketplace and install it.
  6. Users pay the listed fee through Clockify's payment process (both free and paid Clockify workspaces can install paid add-ons).
  7. If users are satisfied, they continue paying the monthly subscription for the add-on (until they cancel).
  8. pays the developer on a regular basis (minus a 15% platform commission).

What's next?

We're currently working on integrating the Marketplace with Plaky and Pumble, allowing you to develop add-ons for their users as well.

In the future, we'll offer more pricing options, including the ability to charge per user seat. This way, the more users in a workspace that use your add-ons, the more you can earn for the value you provide.

Marketplace   |   Managing addons    |   Developers documentation    |   Clockify API