
Manage Workspace

Workspace management in the Suite simplifies the task of overseeing all workspaces within an organization. Here is a break down of all the functionalities available to different user roles: 

  • Organization owner
    Owners have top-level permissions and can oversee all workspaces and create new ones within an organization. 
  • Workspace admin
    Admins can manage specific workspaces (Clockify, Pumble or Plaky) where they have admin roles. They can also create workspaces on other products within the organization.
  • Member
    Members have access to the workspaces they’re part of and can deactivate themselves if needed.

Features overview

For more information on user roles and access permissions, check out Roles and permissions.

Create new workspace

If you’re managing multidisciplinary work across multiple teams, using separate workspaces can help you organize projects, teams, and resources more effectively. 

To create a new workspace inside your organization, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Workspaces from the left sidebar
  2. Click on + Create workspace in the top right corner
  3. Select the product from the dropdown
  4. Enter workspace name
  5. Click Create to complete the action

As a result, your workspace will appear in the list of workspaces created in the organization.

You can also create a workspace directly from the registration page.

Change workspace image & name

To rename a workspace or change its image:

  1. Navigate to Workspaces from the left sidebar
  2. Click on three dots next to the workspace you want to rename
  3. Select Edit name and image
  4. Enter new workspace name


Click on an image to upload new image

  1. Click Save changes to complete the action

The changes will be immediately visible.

Delete workspace

As an Organization owner you can manage workspaces that are a part of that organization and delete them when necessary. Each workspace can be deleted from the three dots menu on the Workspaces page.

To delete workspace in your organization:

  1. Navigate to the Workspaces page in the left sidebar
  2. Click on three dots next to the workspace name to open the workspace menu
  3. Choose Delete workspace option
  4. Click Delete in the confirmation modal to proceed with the workspace deletion

For detailed information on the “delete workspace” action and its subsequent effects, refer to this article.

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