
Roles and Permissions


As a platform designed to improve team collaboration, Productivity suite offers various user roles and access permissions tailored to meet the needs of organizational structures of different business solutions. 

User roles are organized in two main levels: 

  • Organization level 
  • Product level 

Organization-level roles 

At the organization level, there are two primary roles:

1. Owner: The owner is the highest level role within the organization. They have the authority to manage organizations, access all information, and grant permissions for all features and actions. While an organization can only have one owner, that owner can create multiple organizations. Also, ownership can be transferred from one organization member to another.

2. Member: Members are regular users within the organization. They have permissions limited to modifying content in the workspaces they are in and modifying their account.

Please note that while there isn’t a specific role called Organization admin, certain workspace roles, like a Workspace admin, may have additional permissions on the organization level, such as managing bundle payments. Multiple workspace admins from different workspaces can exist within one organization.

Workspace owner role has the same permissions as Organization owner, though individual Help centers may refer to it as the Workspace owner. Only a Workspace owner can create a new workspace. If a Workspace admin wishes to create one, new organization must be created, with the Workspace admin assuming the Workspace owner role in that organization.

To help you understand these roles better, check out the table below with comprehensive list of access permissions within the organization, categorized based on user roles and levels.

You can find this list in the table below:

OwnerWS AdminMember
Edit YesNoNo
  Owner WS Admin Member
Create Yes Yes No
Edit Yes Yes No
Delete product ws Yes No No
Transfer ws between org Yes No No
View ws data Yes Yes Yes*
Edit ws data Yes Yes Yes*
  Owner WS Admin Member
Assign admin Yes Yes No
Remove admin Yes No No
Remove ws admin role from org Yes No No
Transfer ownership Yes No No
Invite members to ws Yes Yes Yes*
Deactivate members from ws Yes Yes No
Deactivate yourself from ws No Yes Yes
Edit other user profile info No No No
Delete user profile info Yes No No
Edit your user profile info Yes Yes Yes
  Owner WS Admin Member
Create subscription Yes Yes No
Cancel subscription Yes Yes No
Add seats Yes Yes No
Remove seats Yes Yes No
Upgrade Yes Yes No
Downgrade Yes Yes No
Edit customer payment info Yes No No
Edit payment info Yes Yes No
Create subscription Yes Yes No
Cancel subscription Yes Yes No
Add seats Yes Yes No
Remove seats Yes Yes No
Upgrade Yes Yes No
Downgrade Yes Yes No
Edit customer payment info Yes No No
Edit payment info Yes Yes No

*Product specific 

Transfer ownership: Only a member with active memberships of all workspaces under the organization can become a new owner of that organization.

Product-level roles

User roles defined for each product in the Suite can be found here:

The majority of user roles are the same on all three products. These are: Workspace Owner, Workspace Amin, Regular member.  

However, there are also some product-specific roles: 

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