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remote & hybrid experience


My remote work has given me flexibility

The pandemic has accelerated the move to flexible working. The move from presenteeism in an office means that I work more from home or where I need to be — whether it is seeing a client in Bristol, Southampton, London, or Edinburgh.

There has been a shift in culture, but this isn’t just for the benefit of employees but employers too. The single 20,000 sq.ft. costly London office is no longer necessary — instead, a smaller central office along with several satellite offices scattered across the country is the workplace strategy for many businesses.

For employees, this means they can enjoy a better work-life balance — from being home for bath time to being able to afford a home because they aren’t geographically restricted. For employers, this means fewer outgoings along with accessing new talent.

Will Kinnear

My remote work has given me the freedom to make choices.

These are both daily choices around my schedule, and high-level choices like choosing where to live.

I can wear what I want, work from a coffee shop, run errands without stress, or go to another city on short notice. Two of my three kids were born right into this ”remote work” lifestyle.

As a double thrill, we help our team members exercise the same freedom. This is the next-level kind of joy.

Jane Portman

My hybrid work has given me more time.

Broadband has enabled us to plug in and work from anywhere — as long as there is good connectivity. I split my time between offices in Southampton, London, and working from Tunbridge Wells, where I live — hybrid working means that I have more time because I travel less and live more.

Hybrid and flexible working has always been a superb idea, but we haven’t had the infrastructure to support it — the pandemic has given businesses the confidence to embrace technology and change their culture. Moving forward, fast, reliable, and secure connectivity is enabling this to continue for many individuals. Hybrid working is also a business perk in the competitive job market and is supporting the leveling up agenda.

Jon Seal

Remote work has given me the ability to be with my family.

I do not stress about my available leaves and taking a sudden day off just because my toddler got sick. Moreover, I do not need to work longer hours because of a ‘busy season’ or because someone decided to schedule an all-hands meeting after the work day ends.

Furthermore, remote work has given me independence and a stress-free work environment. I can decide my working hours, schedule calls only if required and according to my schedule, scale up or scale down my work during a given period of time, and not be bogged down by office politics or the need to please other people.

Shubhangi Mittal

My remote work has given me freedom.

That’s the best thing about working remotely. I don’t have to worry about spending hours in traffic or hoping that public transportation will not be late this time. As a result, I have more time for my hobbies, passions, and self-development — which are essential to who I am and want to become. It also made me more productive.

Back when I worked in an office, I wasted so much time just chatting with my co-workers, drinking coffee, and slacking off. Now I’m focused only on my work, which brought exceptional results for the company I work for and my personal goals.

Łukasz Książkiewicz

My remote work has given me the possibility to connect with people from all over the world.

Whether it’s with my team (distributed across all 4 time zones in the USA), partner collaborations, or once-in-a-while ClickUp meetups, I have more opportunities to expand my horizons. I love being able to work from my home office, where I have a very nice view of the Mississippi River and downtown St. Paul.

Remote work has also given me the freedom to work from wherever. For example, when my wife, a concert violinist, has performances out of town, I can be a supportive husband and travel with her, while I work in different environments. This variety helps me bolster creativity and productivity, which is just a positive thing on all fronts!

Mason Yu

My remote work has given me freedom of movement.

I’ve been working remotely for the last 5 years and I enjoy the fact I don’t have to stick to a certain place or follow a boring routine. Instead, I travel, explore new cafés, and meet new people — during my most productive work hours.

I don’t have to stick to a schedule unless there is a work call — all I need is good connectivity. Works best for an ambivert person like me to choose if I want to stay indoors or just go out and be there.

Meenz Nextiva

My remote work has given me a great deal of fresh perspective on my professional life.

While I can manage work and personal life side by side, I realized I can effectively do more work

at home than in an office. The perks also include being able to interact with coworkers from all across the world as my company employs global talent.

This helps in learning and respecting different cultures — and, as a result — incorporating these learnings into our marketing activities. Of course, the best part is that I save up so much on extra costs, such as getting lunch outside the home, fuel expenses, etc.

Remote work has allowed me to expand my professional goals, and there’s no other way I would choose to work than this.

Ammara Tariq

My remote work has allowed me to be in an environment that fosters creativity.

Creativity doesn’t happen on command. It’s a process that requires patience and time to find the best solution or stumble upon a great idea.

Sometimes it’s just about making choices, and sometimes inspiration hits you — but either way, creativity requires us to take a step out of the freakout zone and away from the everyday corporate noise.

For creativity to flourish it is crucial to create and maintain a peaceful zone where all creative decisions are assessed and reevaluated and where all ideas are dissected and analyzed.

In a nutshell, this is by far the most important thing my remote work has given me.

Aljosa Nikolic

My remote work has given me a chance to work in undershorts!

All jokes aside, remote work is mostly about efficiency. When it comes to working from home, most people think about the lack of commuting and, thus, the time saved. Although this is true, from my point of view, remote work is all about the energy I have when I start a work day.

Working in sales is unique, and when you’re having a bad day, that can affect the outcome of the process — it can make or break the deal with clients. Namely, starting your day with a presentation won’t feel the same after going through morning rush hour and/or after listening to your kid talking about his list of top 20 larvae types (I prefer the latter, to be clear). I never felt so connected to my family — I can finally say I feel included in my kid’s life.

Predrag Rodic

My hybrid work has given me the sweet spot between the completely remote and completely on-site modes of work.

Personally, I prefer to work from the office most of the time as it’s easier to disconnect from work once you’re finished. There’s something in the physical act of entering and leaving the office that sends a signal to your brain that the work is over. Plus, the office is huge and bright, which is great for mood and creativity.

On the other hand, when I’m not feeling great, the weather is terrible, or I have a day filled with back-to-back meetings, it’s much easier and more comfortable to stay and work from home.

Aleksandar Olic

My hybrid work has allowed me to “take the best from both worlds”.

What I value the most about hybrid workplaces is the simple fact that you get more done, and on your terms. No day is the same — sometimes you’re more productive in the office, while other times you need a quiet space to focus. And, it doesn’t always have to be about productivity.

The benefits of hybrid work reflect on personal lives, too. I want to be able to collect a delivery package from my doorstep without having to run to the post office before they close it. These little things make all the difference.

Mirjana Trifkovic

My remote work has given me…

Uninterrupted access to the fridge — It’s almost unexplainable how often hunger strikes while working from home.

More freedom which also means more responsibility — Without an actual boss or colleagues looking over your shoulder, it is quite challenging to manage your own time. I’ve mastered self-regulation & self-motivation, and I must say, I’m fairly proud of myself.

A healthy work-life balance — Avoiding traffic and other commuter woes, being more available to my children, and spending time in the comfort & quiet of my own home is priceless — even though there are days when my only live social interactions are with my kids and their friends.

Aleksandra Sarovic

My hybrid work has given me all the freedom I needed to not feel too anchored to my work, but at the same time feel like part of a team.

When I’m in town, I tend to go to the office as much as I can, because it allows me to spend time with my colleagues and I genuinely feel more productive there. There is a sense of community in an office that is lost when working alone in your apartment.

Alternatively, being able to stay and work from home comes in handy for many reasons — if the weather is so bad I don’t feel like commuting, if I have repairmen coming to fix something during work hours, or if I have to do something quickly in my neighborhood right after work, etc.

But the absolute best part about hybrid work for me is the possibility to work from any place I want — I have family and friends all over, and being able to take my laptop with me and visit them during the week has been such a game changer. Hybrid work gave me so much more time for them, as well as for myself, since I no longer have to dedicate my weekend solely to journeys out of town, but can instead relax and wind down on my own.

Dunja Lukic

As someone who started working while enrolling in the final year of studies, a hybrid way of working and flexible working hours have given me the chance to balance studies and work.

This way of working is a great opportunity for young people, like me, to gain work experience even though I am still a student. Hybrid work allows me to work from anywhere, and to travel more, but most importantly, I get to spend more time with family and friends.

However, sometimes I miss my colleagues and members of my team, so I like coming to the office. Working in an office is a lot of fun, we play foosball (and no, I’m not good at it, but it’s fun), talk to each other, and have lunch together. As much as I have fun when I come to the office, I’m also working equally hard because I am surrounded by people who are constantly striving to work on themselves, who give you support and always try to help you, even though it may not be their field. A hybrid way of working allows me to achieve all my goals and spend more time with my loved ones, and as a result, I am more motivated and productive at work.

Arijana Fisic

Working remotely has allowed me to enjoy the benefits of absolute privacy and focus during work hours.

Naturally, it allowed me to create a process and pipeline which suits me the most. I wouldn’t say being introverted is responsible for that, but rather the warmth and comfort of a home office — I suppose it goes with my profession!

Personally, I think it’s safe to say that during my work-from-home period I’ve grown the most as a professional. I look forward to seeing the next results, it’s very exciting just to imagine.

Also, remote work provides me with a feeling of being more in touch and updated with other important aspects of life.

Luka Dejanovic

I am one of those people who like working from the office, and I have organized my duties accordingly.

Although I prefer going to the office, the hybrid work model enables me to choose my place of work. I’m free to work from home, but I also have the option to finish some of my tasks at the office and continue where I left off from home.

One of the greatest benefits of this type of schedule is the flexibility regarding my workday start time. Since I like to exercise early in the morning, my schedule gives me the option to set aside a couple of hours just for that and begin my workday a bit later in the morning by joining our daily meeting.

Ivana Blagojevic