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A Future of Work Think Tank

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How we work today has changed drastically over the past few years, but how does it affect you? Within this page we invite you to dive deeper into the future of work data, expert interviews and insights that we’ve gathered for you from Clockify, Pumble, Plaky and beyond.

Editor’s pick CEO on the Apple @ Work Podcast cover
Women in Tech Report Summary - cover
Women Leaders A Talk with the CEO of Talaera - cover
Caroline Marshall Interview - cover

Remote Work Statistics

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Employees tell us what they want from the future of work: is it remote or hybrid? They also tend to be heard and have flexibility.
Major shifts are coming, so be prepared with relevant data from Pumble’s remote work statistics.

Thumbs Up Icon 97% of people would recommend remote work to others.
Award Icon Highly educated employed adults with higher incomes are more likely to work remotely.
Home Icon Since 2009, the number of people working from home has increased by 159%.
Briefcase Icon One McKinsey report indicates that 80% of businesses use collaboration tools to enhance their business processes.
Folder Icon Remote roles on LinkedIn attract almost 3 times more applicants than on-site roles.
Users Icon By 2025, Millennials will make up about 75% of the global workforce.

Featured posts

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Statistics Infographic Statistics Infographic


remote & hybrid experience
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What do remote employees want?

Remote and Hybrid Work Infographic
Remote and Hybrid Work Infographic
Remote and Hybrid Work Infographic

What are leaders planning to do?

Remote and Hybrid Work Infographic
Remote and Hybrid Work Infographic
Remote and Hybrid Work Infographic

Video talks

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EP 04: The Future of Content

Will 2024 be the year when most of the content that we see is generated by AI or we should expect to have AI tools only for shaping our words?

Our host Julian Griffin discusses the current state of content and what we can expect in upcoming months with three guests in our new Future of Work panel: Alex Birkett, Olga Mykhoparkina and Gillian Jones.

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EP 03: The State of DEI

Will 2024 be the year when most of the leaders and companies will have to implement DEI if they want to have a healthy, promising and stable company culture? Especially when we know that organizations with above-average diversity are 2.4x more likely to outperform their peers financially?

Our host Julian Griffin discusses the current state of DEI and what we can expect in upcoming months with three lovely & inspiring ladies in our new Future of Work panel: Rhonda Moret, Chikere Igbokwe and Alexis Zahner.

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EP 02: How will Al impact the Future of Work

Will AI make us better and faster at what we do and should companies prepare their workspace for the impact of Al? Also how employees all over the globe will adapt to new technologies and at the end of the day, what could be the purpose of AI?

In our second episode of “Future of Work Talks” we discuss all this with Iwo Szapar (Remote-First activist and founder of Remote-how), Jim Kalbach (Chief Evangelist at MURAL and noted author), and Jermaine L.. Murray (Career coach and tech recruiter at JupiterHR).

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